Ph.D in Progress under the guidance of Dr. Shailesh Kasande
Ph.D in Progress under the guidance of Dr. Dhanajay Awasarikar
“A Study of Parents’ Attitude towards Sales Promotion of Confectionary Products for Children”- Ms. Iyer Kavitha
“A Study of effectiveness of Marketing Assistance and Technological Up -gradation Scheme of Select Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises” - Ms. Annavatti Pallvi
“Current Status of e-marketing of Pharmaceutical Products - An Analytical Study” - Ms. Sumant Ursula
“A Study of Mascots in Branding” - Mr.Gaikwad Sumeet
“Study of Growth and Challenges for Online Retail with special reference to Apparel Industry in India” - Ms. Dakhole Deepti
“A Study of Marketing Strategies of Flowers adopted by Producers” - Ms. Phaltankar shilpa
“A Study of Application of Business Analytics in Marketing” - Ms. Bijwe Shweta